Renowned ghazal marvel Jazim Sharma has unveiled his latest creation, the album 'Lafzon ke Darmiyaan'. This musical treasure features four heartfelt ghazals written by respected poets Daag Dehlavi, Nida Fazli, and new poet JP Gangwar.
The album, a harmonious blend of Jazim Sharma's musical talent and soulful voice, pays tribute to the enduring beauty of ghazals. The launch event also saw the release of 'Roshni Ke Phool', a cherished compilation of ghazals by the late poet Nida Fazli.
Esteemed figures from the music industry, including Anup Jalota, Suresh Wadkar, Talat Aziz, Jaspinder Narula, Chandan Das, Ghansham Vaswani, and Bali Brahmbhatt, graced the occasion. They collectively appreciated Jazim Sharma's contribution in keeping this beloved art form relevant for the present generation.
Jazim expressed his excitement for featuring the verses of contemporary poets, showcasing two enchanting ghazals by the emerging poet JP Gangwar in 'Lafzon Ke Darmiyan'.
The captivating performance by Jazim Sharma complimented by a packed audience is testament to the timeless allure of ghazals.